Club Constitution

 The club shall be known as "Beeslack Penicuik Camera Club" being a section of the Community Education provision at Beeslack Community High School and hereinafter referred to as the "Club"

  • The objectives of the club shall be to stimulate interest in the art and science of photography in all its forms, to hold regular meetings, lectures, demonstrations, exhibitions and club and inter-club competitions.

  • Membership shall be open to everyone. No catchment policy shall govern eligibility to become a member of the club. 

  • The club shall be governed by a committee elected by its members at their Annual General Meeting. The financial year shall end 31st March.

  • a) The committee shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Competition Secretary and 7 ordinary adult members and a minute secretary. b) As proposed at the Annual General Meeting on 4th June 1992, John Scott has been made Honorary President in recognition of his long service to the club.c) The President and Vice President must have served on the committee or as an Office Bearer at any time previously to qualify as a nominee for those positions.d) Committee Member nominees must have been members of the club for the full previous session. 

  • a) The President shall be elected for a term of up to two consecutive years. On completion of two years the President may not serve again as President or Vice-President until a period of one year has elapsed.b) The Vice-President shall be elected for a term of up to two consecutive years. On completion of two years the Vice-President may, if elected, take on the role of President. The Vice-President may not serve again as Vice-President until a period of one year has elapsed.c) The Treasurer, Secretary and Competition Secretary shall be elected for a term of up to three years after which holders must stand for re-election to the same or another post.d) The Ordinary Committee Members must stand for re-election each year. No committee member can serve in this position for more than four consecutive years. They can however serve as office bearers within their four year or immediately following their four year period.

  • Vacancies occurring in any of the office bearer's positions shall be filled by a member of the existing management committee previously elected, until the next Annual General Meeting. This shall be done by a majority vote of those present at an ordinary committee meeting. Vacancies occurring in the ordinary membership shall be filled by co-option. A majority vote of the committee shall determine co-option to the ordinary committee.

  • EX OFFICIO MEMBERS : The committee shall also invite non voting Ex Officio Members from agencies which may enhance the work of the club and these shall include Beeslack Community High School representative (Principal Officer) and any other agencies determined by the groups at its Annual General Meeting. 

  • The committee shall be empowered to act on behalf the members in matters of accommodation, finance, purchase and /or sale of goods or equipment and all financial and legal obligations in connection with the functioning of the club, such acts remaining the collective obligation and responsibility of the members. The club shall be maintained in credit at all times.

  • Voting : a) Only current club members and Honorary members can vote at any Annual General Meeting, Extraordinary General Meeting or other called meetings. Each member has one vote.b) The President ,or Chair of the meeting, shall chair all meetings of the Committee and any Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting, maintain order during general discussion and shall have an additional casting vote in the event of a deadlock. Before a vote is taken the Chairman shall allow adequate time for discussion.c) A majority vote shall carry a proposal. Only those present at any meeting may vote.d) The Vice President shall act as the depute of the President in the President's absence and shall have the powers of the President.e) Decisions taken at any ordinary business meetings of the Committee shall be null and void unless there was present at the meeting a quorum of members. A quorum shall consist of half of the total number of members of the Committee and must include at least two office bearers.

  • The scale of members and weekly fees shall be fixed annually at the Annual General Meeting. Such scale ratified come into operation for the ensuing season. The committee shall have the power to amend weekly fees or subscriptions should outside fees to be paid by the club be changed during any session.

  • Annual Subscriptions shall be paid by 31 October each year.

  • The Secretary shall keep a true Minute record of all the committee meetings and distribute copies to all committee members with a copy being posted on the club noticeboard or prominent place.

  • An extraordinary meeting can be requested by a club member at any time. The request shall be submitted in writing and must be supported by the signatures of at least one third of the club members. The request shall be submitted at least 21 days prior to the date of an extraordinary meeting.

  • Amendment(s) to the Constitution :a) The Constitution may only be amended at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting. A majority of those present and entitled to vote at such meetings shall require to give their assent to any change in the Constitution. Those persons entitled to vote at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be all persons present and eligible to vote.b) Notice of any proposal(s), proposer and seconder must be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least 14 days in advance of any Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting and shall be circulated to members and displayed in a prominent way, such as on the club web site or noticeboard if in action.c) Amendments to submitted proposals shall be deemed to be separate proposals and also require to be submitted in the timescale above.

  • Dissolution Clause : In the event of the club being unable to function due to lack of membership, committee participation or for any other reason the following steps shall be taken :

a)A Meeting of all current members shall be called to validate dissolution.

b)All club assets, equipment etc shall be given to the Principal Officer at Beeslack Community High School for safekeeping until such times as the club can be re-formed. After a period of one year the Officer shall have the power to re-locate the club's assets and equipment to another group or club with similar aims.

The constitution last amended 25th April 2013 at the Annual General Meeting 
(Signed by the then President, Vice President and Secretary).

President : Dougie Allan

Vice President Brian Salvona

Secretary Mike Clarke


It was agreed and voted in approval by club members to give an extension to the time served by the President and Vice President from 2 years to 3 years, with the option to step down after 2 if they wished.


The following policies were formally agreed and added to the constitution:

  1. Code of Conduct

  2. Child and Vulnerable Adults

  3. Privacy Policy